We have added the simplified shopify credit card payment gateway for customers' convenience, but on the negative side aside from paypal the other methods have been removed, to avoid problems, should you wish top pay by bank transfer, cheque, cash or another method please phone to discuss.
Discounts are negotiable on total purchases over £1000.00 depending on the watch(es).
We are trying to add a straightforward checkout variation for strap option, as soon as we can negotiate with a reliable supplier, but basically within reason any strap you see on one of our watches can be duplicated if the size and type is still available. The biggest problem currently being the lack of nice 17mm straps at a reasonable price. I have always favoured the ZRC brand especially the high quality open ended lizard grain leather straps, which although a trifle short and usually tapered, are very attractive. However I'm not personally very happy with the aero-comfort perforated backs as they don't look in keeping with fifties watches. So I'm going to look for a more vintage looking range and hopefully add colour or type choice when you checkout, hopefully with additional spare straps available as an option.
The warranty period is now 2 years plus a free check up in the third year, this will include within reason any remedial work and parts. Smiths only gave 1 year on their English watches when new. (6 months on their cheaper watches).
Please bear in mind that warranties are technically non-transferable from the first user, re-sellers warranty is between themselves and the new owner, and then by negotiation between us and the original buyer. New owners of re-sellers watches can purchase by agreement warranties in their name if they prefer.
Every week we have to refer well meaning enquiries to the address on the website with regards to appraisals and identification, as only a postal service is available for these, with formal or informal valuations.